Curriculum for Excellence | National 4 | National 5 | Higher | Advanced Higher
National 4 P.E.
As the P.E. course is based on the idea of active learning it is important that students focus fully in every lesson so they can write about what they have done in the ‘Factors Impacting on Performance’ unit. If a lesson has been missed due to absence, it is important that the student finds out what work has been missed.
Students must keep their data jotter fully up to date and neatly completed. This will be of most use in the FIP unit.
Students must be aware of the criteria that they will be assessed against in their performance ‘added value’ unit.
National 5 P.E.
As the P.E. course is based on the idea of active learning it is important that students focus fully in every lesson so they can write about what they have done, when it comes to completing the portfolio. If a lesson has been missed due to absence, it is important that the student finds out what work has been missed.
Students must keep their data jotter fully up to date and neatly completed. This will be of most use in the open book section of the portfolio. Good quality notes are vital in ensuring a good pass.
Ensure quality time is spent completing any homework tasks, as these are often similar to the questions completed in the portfolio. Spend quality time in PS going over any feedback given on these homeworks.
Students should think carefully about the practical activities that they wish to be assessed on for their performance grades. Students should come prepared with a suitable tactic prior to their performance. It is also vital that students understand the criteria they will be assessed against prior to taking part in their activity.
Encourage participation in a sport or activity covered in the course, outside of school time. As half of their grade is determined by two performances in two different activities, regular practice at these activities will benefit them in their one off performance.
Encourage students to spend quality time completing any homework tasks. Try to provide a quiet area with no distractions.