Options and Personalisation

Young people have opportunities at the end of S2, S3 and throughout the Senior Phase to make choices that personalise the curriculum to suit their interests, strengths, personal development and career aspirations.

All of our young people engage with the Career Education Standard to enrich their knowledge and understanding of the world of work, careers and the pathways they can take to fulfil their aspirations.

Our curricular model for 2024/25 is shown to the right. (Click on it for a full view).

Making choices: End of S2

As young people near the end of S2 they will begin to personalise their curriculum by making some options.

Young people will continue to study the core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Physical Education, Religious and Moral Education (RME), Personal and Social Education (PSE) and Home Economics.

Young people make a further six choices, opting to specialise further in certain areas of the curriculum. However, as this is still a part of the Broad General Education, young people must try to continue study in each of the five curricular areas of Modern Languages, Science, Social Studies, Expressive Arts and Technologies.

Some useful resources to support this process can be found below.

Making choices: Into the Senior Phase

Young people moving into or through the Senior Phase will make choices towards the end of each academic session.


  • At the end of S3 (moving into S4), young people will begin study of their first National Qualification courses. At the moment, pupils will automatically be placed into National English and National Mathematics courses. In addition, they will also follow core provision in Physical Education (PE), Personal and Social Education (PSE) and religious and moral education (RME). Pupils moving into S4 will make a further five choices of courses to study.

  • At the end of S4 and S5 (moving into S5/6), young people choose five courses to study in the following year. They will also follow core subjects in PE, PSE and RME.


The links below will provide further information that will help support options choices.

Languages and RME

Technologies and Health

Career Books

Try out the ebooks below to find out more information on job descriptions, useful subjects skills required for the jobs, College Academy/FA courses with link to DAGCOL page, College courses, University courses, MWOW job profile link, career insight video.

Many thanks to Mrs Houston for producing!

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